12 months ago our chunky monkey had just started to show some of his personality. Little did he (or us) know that just after he turned 6 months our family would be leaving behind our lives in Minnesota for a new life, much close to family, in Indiana!
6 months ago we celebrated our happy boys first birthday with a terrible ice storm!
Oh that long hair!!
Today our baby has grown into this handsome boy!! He has the most beautiful blue eyes and is (almost) always smiling...and drooling! On Monday we went in to Dr. Richmond's office for his 18 month well-baby visit. She was impressed by Kado's abilities and declared (what we all know anyway) that he must be getting enough to eat! He weighed in at 29.8 lbs (98th %tile), was 36 inches tall (off the charts!) and his head was 19.5 inches (also off the charts!). He is a healthy boy, who is going to pass his brother's measurements soon!
Kaden definitely keeps us on our toes...
- He is an incredibly independent and stubborn boy. When he gets something in his mind, he insists on doing it by himself and his own way. Karter has been buckling the top part of his car seat for months now, and Kaden has picked up on that and now he insists on doing it himself!
- From the moment Kaden wakes up he is on the move...only slowing down long enough to eat! He loves to chase Karter, torment Rascal and climb on the furniture.
- Being the youngest, Kaden has learned how to take care of himself. He and Karter wrestle all.the.time. and it is usually Karter who is whining because of something Kaden has done to him. Kade also knows how to take matters into his own hands. If I tell him no to a snack, I am not surprised when I turn around to find him walking around with something he got out of the pantry, begging me to open it. Today he also figured out how to move the dining room chair, climb in and then get what he wanted off the table. Resourceful!
- Kaden is just like his big brother and LOVES books! If you are sitting in the living room, you had better be prepared to read
hundredsa few books! Although we do read the same books over and over, it is amazing to see how much he is learning from all of the books. He is able to point out animals, colors and some shapes, he can also do almost every animal sound. Even though he will let anyone read to him, his personal favorite story teller is Papaw! - Kaden is almost always talking, although we don't always know what he is saying. He tries to imitate everything we say, and is getting very good at
demandingasking for what he wants. He favorite words to say are "tru-CK" and "du-CK". - Kaden is a true Indiana boy...he loves tractors, corn and basketball!!
I know there is more, but it is getting late and my loving husband is asleep next to me...so I should put him to bed! :)
We love you SO MUCH!!
He is SO PRECIOUS and I can hardly believe it's been 18 months already! Wasn't Karter about this very same age when Kaden was born??? Oh, how time flies by! I love Gramaw's Sweet Thing!!!
Happy 18 months big boy!
Kado's quite the little man...Happy 18 months!
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