Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Kristoffer's Birthday Present

Well...Kristoffer finally decided what he wanted to buy with his birthday money (thanks to everyone who contributed!). He wanted an espresso/cappucino maker. So...on Saturday, we bought one! Kristoffer made one caramel latte (for Dana) and one cafe mocha (for himself).
It's a pretty nifty machine - complete with milk steamer and frother - and when you visit the great north here in Minnesota, we will be happy to serve you a fresh, hot, specialty coffee drink of your own!
It will be perfect for those chilly Minnesota nights which will be here soon!!


Anonymous said...

Excellent birthday present choice, I'm jealous! Although, I don't think such availability of espresso would be very good for my health...

What brand of maker did you go with?

Anonymous said...

great photo!!! Looks like it came from a catalog! :) I can't wait to taste one at Thanksgiving!!!

Sherry said...

It is like Caribou without leaving your house! Totally jealous. Now I will just have to drive to Hampton instead of walking to Caribou. I will take a White Chocolate Latte skim no whip! Did I get that right Dana?

Anonymous said...

kristoffer gray...always classy
