Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Two Months of Parenting

Last Saturday, on the 16th, Karter celebrated his two month birthday. We celebrated as a family with a hike in the morning at Miesville Ravine Park along the Cannon River and a wonderful dinner of Dana's famous homemade hamburgers!

Anyway...it's hard to believe that we have been parents for two months. Dana and I talked about what our role is as parents now - since it is hard to teach a two-month-old baby much. We decided that it is our role to make sure his needs are met and that he is loved. If that's the case, we are doing a good job so far! :-)

Karter is starting to really interact with us and with other things. He LOVES seeing new things - going for walks in his carrier, looking in the mirror, and watching Rascal are among his favorite daily activities. He is also learning what his arms and hands do. He has learned that his hands/arms taste very good or are at least good to suck/chew on. He struggles with getting those appendages around his mouth, but that's not for a lack of effort!!

Karter has also started sitting in his Bumbo (you can see it from the pictures - CLICK HERE FOR RECENT PICTURES) and still loves his "bouncy seat." We try to read to him at least a couple times each day, but we think he just likes to hear our voices.

Karter also had his two month check-up at the doctor - receiving four shots in the process. He now weighs 13 lbs. 1 oz. and is 24 1/2 in. long/tall. He is in the 80th percentile in weight and 95th in height. Plus, Daddy thinks (read hopes/wishes) that Karter is left-handed. A tall, strong, southpaw would make a good pitcher!! :-)
Who knows what the next two months will hold for our new family...but it sure has been a blast so far!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My little guy is growing up! He looks so big sitting in his seat.
Can't wait to see you in about 5 weeks.
Love, Mom