"I, Kristoffer Gray, solemnly swear that I will perform the duties of election judge according to law and the best of my ability and will diligently endeavor to prevent fraud, deceit, and abuse in conducting this election. I will perform my duties in a fair and impartial manner and not attempt to create an advantage for my party or my candidates."
This is the oath that I had to take at 6:00am on Tuesday as I was sworn in as an election judge for Minnesota's primary election. Yes, I am an official election judge! Before the polls opened at 7:00, the other judges and I had to get the polling place (Hampton city hall/fire station) ready. As the Ballot Judge, I was in charge of the ballots (initialing them as correct, counting them) and placing all of the signs outside (including raising the flag on the flagpole).
The primary was not the most meaningful for most Minnesotans. While our Senate race this year was on the ballot, the two eventual winners (Norm Coleman -R; and Al Franken - D) did not have any realistic challengers. For that reason, the election in Hampton was not well attended. In the five hours of voting that I worked, we only had 12 voters go through. Six were poll workers - and one was Dana!
Regardless, it was great training for the general election in November where we are expecting 200-300 voters in Hampton City Precinct. The ladies I worked with were fantastic! Dixie is a spunky lady in her mid-eighties who made us all cookies. Mavis, the Head Judge, was very organized and patient - and shared all the gossip about Hampton politics. Mary Lou made handmade rosaries and was the perfect fit for Registration Judge. Eileen loved to crochet while she helped people enter their ballots into the machine and handed out "I Voted" stickers.
It was great meeting and talking to these ladies - and I think they loved having a twenty-something male to talk to! It was fun to get involved in the voting process, and I can't wait until November!
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