Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Proud Mommy

IMG_4170, originally uploaded by minnesotagrays.

Kristoffer was so proud of Dana this week! Both on Sunday (during Sunday school) and Monday (during Bible study), Dana gave up Karter temporarily to the nursery. Believe it or not, proud momma allowed someone else to watch Karter without her in the room!

That's a big step for her...and shows just how much Karterman is growing up!

We have LOTS of new pictures of Karter online - check these out!


Anonymous said...

Those photos are so SWEET!!! You are a great photographer...we just need to get rid of those red eyes! I'm bringing my stuff to take some awesome photos!!!
Love you all,
Grandma Terry

Dana Gray said...
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Dana Gray said...

Yeah, I always have a problem with the red eyes. We have a lot of editing to do before we order prints.

I'm very excited for our photo shoot!


Dana Gray said...

Yeah, I always have a problem with the red eyes. We have a lot of editing to do before we order prints.

I'm very excited for our photo shoot!
