To cap off our fun filled 4
th of July, we decided to take the boys to watch the fireworks in Cannon Falls. We did bath time as usual and let the boys hang out in our bed while we got things packed up.

They launch the fireworks from the fairgrounds, so the best spot in town to watch them from (unless you want to pay to get into the fairgrounds) is right across the highway. We took a side road off of 52 and ended up parked right off the highway. It was a little scary how close we were, but there were at least 50 other cars there...so we felt
ok with it.

Since it was the boys normal bed time, we figured
Kaden would fall asleep (and he did!), but we came prepared with things to help keep
Karter entertained. We started off with sparklers...

...then we sat on the blanket and ate popcorn...

... and then we sang songs and acted goofy!

It's hard to keep a 2 year old entertained for almost 2 hours!!

When the fireworks finally started,
Karter was so excited and not scared at all...he kept asking for more when they were all over!
Kaden slept in the van the whole time, and only woke up when we were on the road back home. We went home and put the boys to bed hoping that staying up late would mean they would sleep in...
Karter was the only one who was able to sleep in,
Kaden was still up at 6 all bright eyed and smiley!
Very cool fireworks photo at the end...and a lot of cute kids before that! Wonderful memories for your family!
It is hard for me to believe you guys are that far west of us that it is still so bright after Karter's bath time. We were able to watch firework on TV and from crazy neighbors instead of Fraggles at our normal time.
I am sure Karter loved it. Kara and I got more than we bargained for at the New Castle show this year...a drunkard's firework toppled over, launched, and grazed Kara in the cheek, also hitting a little girl behind us. Pretty scary...
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