Friday, December 2, 2011

One Big Cookie

Hello, my name is Dana and I'm addicted to cookie cutters! On Cyber Monday my favorite cookie supply website (Karen's Cookies) was having some great sales and free shipping on their products. As I was browsing the cookie cutter selection (and kept adding them to my cart!), I saw a cute house cutter and thought I could use it to make some cabin cookies in the future. When the package arrived yesterday I was surprised when I saw just how large the cookie cutter was.

It is literally the size of Karter's head! A few of these cookies would take my entire batch of dough, needless to say we are getting a smaller house cutter. (Please excuse the cheese in Karter's teeth!) Next time, I will be sure to read the dimensions a little bit better.


Your favorite MIL said...

That cookie would be almost as big as the cabin itself... But VERY yummy! You must make at least ONE of these for the cabin-warming!

Lauren said...

I was thinking you could make a cute gingerbread house "village" for christmas with that giant cutter... you'd only have to make like 4 cookies! Might be fun :)