If walking outside in 85 degree weather for four and a half hours didn't help ease the baby out, it would at least make mommy tired and exhausted - which might bring about labor as well!

Check out our pictures from the zoo HERE!!
Surprisingly, the zoo was not too crowded. The Grizzly Coast actually opened on the day we were there, so it was fairly crowded. However, nowhere else was overly busy - enough for us to see all the animals without pushing and shoving aside others. The biggest struggle was the "stroller people" who think that the babies in their stoller NEED to see every animal up close. I hope we don't become one of those stoller people.
Dana began to have lots of pretty serious contractions after our five mile walk at the zoo - but after taking a shower and relaxing, they died down. We are so anxious and impatient!
We ended the day with a fantastic meal at Teresa's Mexican Restaurant and dessert at Coldstone. We splurged on what could be our last weekend where it is just the two of us. With only five days to go until "baby K's" due date, we can't wait to see him and family in the upcoming weeks!!
1 comment:
Special K,
Big K,
and now Baby K?
Uncle Dave will surely enjoy creativity like that. Exciting stuff trying to speed up the baby's entrance...but Mom says 'the baby will come when it wants to'...but isn't there a story about her chasing a cow the day she went into labor with one of us? hmm
By the way-I am excited about being an uncle...Here's an idea-you can be the mean, disciplinary dad and I will be the awesome, adventurous uncle. Deal?
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