Sunday, June 15, 2008

We Think Today is the Day!

Dana - 40wks +1 Day...yesterday!!
Today started at 1:00am - with heavy contractions. After working our way through them until 2:30, we decided to call the hospital. After packing, Dana showering, and Kristoffer doing the dishes, we arrived at the hospital around 3:30.

The hospital checked us in and checked Dana out. They put a heart monitor to check "baby K" - he fluctuated between 130 - 160, depending on if there was a contraction at the time. They also monitored Dana's contractions which were (and still are) getting stronger and closer together. After getting fully checked out, we were given two options:

1. wait one hour, have Dana fully checked out - then go home to work through it for another 6 hours or so...

2. wait two hours, have Dana fully checked out - then be admitted only if dilation was up to 3cm

We opted for Option #1. Since arriving at home at 6:00am, the contractions have increased in frequency and intensity. The kennel will allow Rascal to come in at 11:00 - they are awesome people! After that, we plan on going straight to the hospital for good.

The nurse at the hospital said that she expected the baby to come between 7:00pm today and 7:00am tomorrow...let's hope she's right! We are currently in the middle of practicing our breathing techniques and working through each contraction (about every 3 minutes).

Please continue to pray for us and keep us in your thoughts. Stay tuned for more updates!

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