This past weekend was the Sulphur Springs Community Days. Our church helps out with a lot of the activities, which made for a busy weekend for our family! Kristoffer is part of the Fellowship Branch at church, and several months ago he volunteered to be the chairperson for a church wide rummage sale. He has been advertising for people of the congregation to bring their unwanted items to the church garage, and on Thursday when we went to sort out everything we were very overwhelmed surprised by home much stuff people had brought! We spent Thursday and Friday evenings organizing (the best we could) all of the items, and then Saturday morning at we got to the church around 5:30am to get everything set out and ready to go!
(Yes, my hunky husband has two cookies in his hands...that was his breakfast!)

Kristoffer made some neon signs to attract the crowds!

Which way is the sale?!

It took every table the church had, and much of the pavement, to get all of the items out of the garage.
Our friends Ryan and Mikka, who gave up their time on Thursday and Friday to help sort, showed up to man the sale while Kristoffer and I ran our church's "Run in the Son" 5K. Neither of us had run any sort of race since the mini-marathon back in 2004, so this was a different experience for us. Kristoffer finished in 27:11 (I think...I'm sure he will correct me if that is wrong) and I finished in 31:04. We both accomplished our pre-race goals...Kristoffer a sub 30min time and me under 40!
After the race it was back to the rummage sale for Kristoffer and I had to get the church float ready for the parade.
The boys and I road on the Pandamania themed float with some of the kids from our church, while other adults passed out water as we made our way through town!
At the end of the day, we were all exhausted, but had raised over $700 dollars at the rummage sale! All of the proceeds are going back into the community...50% to the community fund and 50% into the education fund for two of our kids at church, who tragically lost their dad in an auto accident two weeks ago. Our church has had a rough couple of weeks as we cope with the loss of one of our own, so it was nice to join together, have some fun, and raise money to help out part of our "family"!
This was my first community days, and I had a blast. I joked that maybe next year I will get more involved, since this year I just eased into things...but I wouldn't of had it any other way!! Our family feels so blessed to live in this community, and to be able to raise our boys with so many people who love us...and who we love!! What a great community we live in!!!