Tuesday, April 24, 2012

14 Weeks

This past Saturday we hit the 14 week mark for this pregnancy!  It was an exciting week, because this was the first week in a long time that I didn't feel sick most of the time!!  I still have some major food aversions (to things that I used to eat all the time), but as long as I avoid them I am fine.  My energy also came back a little bit, and I have been feeling this huge urge to get our house decorated before the babies come!

This past week I also had a doctors appointment.  It almost isn't even blog worthy, because it was so uneventful.  I literally saw the doctor for less than one minute.  I have gained 5 lbs do far and my blood pressure was perfect.  We listened to the babies beautiful heartbeats and then it was out the door!  Since Terry had the boys, I took advantage of it and spent some time browsing the aisles of Hobby Lobby...by myself!!  It was a much more peaceful trip than most of our trips!

Since you are probably sick of hearing about me, here are a couple cute pics of the boys...

 A few weeks ago we Kristoffer helped my brother move.  We camped out at their new place and one night it got super cold, isn't Karter just the cutest cuddled up in his blankets!?

It is hard to get Mr. Kado to look nicely at the camera, but he is still cute surrounded by one of his favorite things...books!

P.S.  When did blogger change its layout...guess it has been awhile since we posted!

Monday, April 16, 2012


The past two months every weekend I have had at least one cookie/cupcake order! I have loved getting to try out a lot of new designs. Plus, I'm raising a lot of money for a good cause!! In 2013 our church is going to Kenya for a mission trip, and of course Kristoffer and I are not going to be able to go (2 newborns + 1 toddler + 1 preschooler = no leaving the country!), but I wanted to do something to help out. Our church has challenged us all to use our talents to support the trip, so I am doing "Cookies for Kenya"....50% of all my proceeds will be donated! My goal is to raise $300, and so far I am about a third of the way there!


Kristoffer is a part of the fellowship branch at church, and they were planning a country sweetheart dinner. I volunteered to make some cookies as party favors for them.

Good practice for a wedding I have coming up!


My business is branching out and spreading to new people, that I don't even know (but of course know Kristoffer and fam!)! I know a lot of people that work at the school and the word has spread there, so I got an email from woman at the school who wanted to place an order for her grandson's second birthday. She sent me a copy of the invitations and decorations and I did my best to copy them.

I love those little 2's!!


A dear friend from church asked me a to make some cookies for a client she works with, who's father is going into the Army. This family has had a rough life, and the dad is trying to make it better for his young family. They don't know the Lord and don't often have people do nice things for them, my friend was hoping with this gift they would come to know the love of Christ.

I was happy to try out the camo technique, because I have a big order of camo coming up this weekend.

(sorry, this pic won't stay turned!)


Last week our church family grew, when two of our members welcomed a beautiful baby boy into their family! They have a four year old little girl, who was excited to be a big sister, and they made her a "big sister" basket for when he was born. They asked me to make some cookies to include in her basket.

LOVE these butterflies!!

Congratulations Larson family!


This last order was placed because of word of mouth. Someone in our church family runs a catering business at a local golf course and asked me to do the cookies and cupcakes for a wedding shower she was doing.

The rings were fun to make. The icing was actually a light gray that I "blinged" up with some luster dust. The details on the diamond are also sparkly, but it is hard to tell in the picture.

Lemon cupcakes with lemon cream cheese frosting....YUM!!! These were a new recipe and turned out amazing!!

Our kitchen has been busy and is rarely completely clean of cookie stuff, but a lot of cute things are coming out of it!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

Our Easter was really exciting this year! Karter understands the true meaning of Easter, and loved the idea of waking up to a basket full of presents. After we set out our baskets and eggs for the Easter Bunny, Karter decided that we should leave him a note.

"Dear Easter Bunny,
We have a lot of eggs. We have some big ones. We hope you have a lot of candy.
Please hide the eggs."

All Karter's words, written by Kristoffer!

This was how excited he was about Easter!

In the morning we woke up to eggs EVERYWHERE!!

The boys baskets had been filled and the Easter Bunny even ate half the carrot we left for him.

Karter loved the new car movie cars.

So did Kado! After he saw one car, he was done with the basket!!

After 10 tries, this is the best face Karter would give me!

Happy Easter, Kaden!

After seeing everything in their baskets, it was time to hunt some eggs. Karter was going as fast as he could, getting as many as he could!

Of course, Kaden was a different story.

"Mama, there sumpin (something) in it!"

Not one to waste time, he had to open his egg immediately and devour the contents!

While Karter hunted the rest!

Kaden did manage to find a few other eggs....and eat them just as quickly.

Kaden's basket of eggs.

Karter's basket of eggs!

Happy Easter handsome boy!!!

After both boys were full of sugar it was time to change into our Sunday best and head to church. For the early service, our very own Kristoffer gave the message!! He did a fantastic job and I was so proud of him!! We had a great morning at church and then headed over to Kristoffer's grandparents house for an Easter lunch.

When we got home, the boys (Kristoffer included) were eager to try out Karter's new kite.

It was a pretty windy day, so we didn't really have to do anything but stand there and watch!

Karter looks so big!!

It was the perfect day celebrating our risen Lord!!