We are finally settling back into our normal routine of eating, napping and playing. The hunger strike is officially over, and Karter is up to eating 3 "solid" meals a day. However, he is still hating ALL fruits. When everything finally got unloaded from the car and put away, it was like Christmas all over again for Karter. He has so many new things to play with, he wasn't sure where to start!

He must have been on Santa's good list this year, because he sure made out good!
Here is a look back at our Indiana vacation....

We left Minnesota Christmas morning at 2am. After a long day in the car, Karterman was exhausted after Christmas at Great Grandma's. Great Grandma Ellen was more than willing to let the little guy sleep in her arms.

Jonah had a great time with Rascal. He loved to walk up to Rascal , who he was eye level with, and let Rascal give him kisses.

Mom was surprised by the bike that we got her. I'm sure she was disappointed that it wasn't the pony we had promised, but hopefully she will get more use out of the bike!

It is always fun to spend time with Jake, Joscelynn (not pictures) and Jonah. Jonah loves his daddy.

Great Grandpa Harold loved watching the boys play at his house.

Kristoffer and his mama....isn't this just a cute picture?! Everyone in the house were my subjects as I tested out the new camera!

Kamaron and Anique were close by as I tested out different camera settings...aren't they a cute couple! And, in case you are wondering...those are the same shirts that Kristoffer and his mom were wearing too. Our family doesn't always dress the same, we had just gotten back from having our pictures taken.

Kristoffer's college friend, Cliff, came over on New Year's Eve to have dinner with us. Sorry Cliff, Karter was pretty sick that day!

Aunt Emily helped out a lot with Karter. She even changed some poopy diapers and dressed him in the tightest shirt ever!

Uncle Kyler had a lot of fun playing with Karter...it looks like the feeling was mutual.

Grandpa Kim and Grandma Terry love their Tunkin!

The whole trip, Karter got his baths in the kitchen sink. It was a little tricky since he loves to grab for everything, but A LOT easier on my back and knees than in the bathtub.

Karter got LOTS of daddy time during our trip. It always melts my heart to see my hunky husband with our little guy!!

It is always a great time spending time with our family, especially when the 3 of us get to spend so much time together!
If these photos left you wanting more....haha...feel free to clear your afternoon and browse through all 178
1 comment:
Looks like you had a great Christmas (besides Karter getting sick!) I was noticing that Karter is always showing his cute toes and wondered if that is your choice or his. My question was answered in the picture where is yanking his sock off! He is too cute!
Love - Jess and Craig
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