Last week the boys and I went to New Castle for
Kaden's 12 month well baby appointment. This was our first visit to our new
pediatrician, Dr. Lisa Richmond, and I wanted
Karter to come along so he would be familiar with the clinic when it was his time to go. I was very anxious to meet our new doctor, because we had such fabulous doctors in MN and I didn't know what to expect. When I was searching I wanted a younger, female doctor. We are going to the same clinic that Kristoffer did growing up (and his same doctor is still there), even though I'm sure his doctor was/is great, I wanted someone a bit younger...just because that is what I was used to in MN. Our new doctor is great, she was very personable and easy to talk to. She won the boys hearts, because she gave them a book as soon as she walked in!!
Kaden hadn't been to the doctor since he was 6 months old, and we couldn't wait to see how much he had changed! And boy has he changed...he weighed in at 25 lbs (90%), was 31.5 in long (91%), and his head was 19.3 in (100%)...he's got a good sized head!! Dr. Richmond was very impressed with
Kaden's development and he is right on track with everything he should be doing at this age. He was a very social guy during the appointment, charming everyone with his big
drooly grins!! He had to get 3 shots and a heal prick, all in all he handled it pretty good and calmed down quickly. Who wouldn't calm down when they have
Karter holding their hand saying, "Don't cry
Kaden, I'm right here."?!
Kaden had a great appointment and he will be going back in 3 months for his 15 month appointment.
The doctor confirmed what we already knew...Kaden is PERFECT in every way!!! And we love him so!!!
K-do's such a champ and Karter's such a great big brother! The pictures of them together are always so precious...
I'm glad you're happy with your doctor. I would be stressed out about finding one, too.
Jonah had his 3 year visit yesterday. He's only 5 lbs bigger than Kaden! ha! But he's on the runt-ish end of the scale.
That is awesome! Norah has a giant head too, she's been 98%, 99%, and 98% at her dr. appts so far :-)
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