Another trick he has learned is how to clap. We cheer for big brother so much that he has finally learned how to clap...and now Karter says "Yay, baby brother!" To get him to clap you just have to sing his favorite song, pat-a-cake.
This month he has really started to be interested in table food. Usually he will eat his two containers of baby food and then want to eat whatever we are having. So far we haven't found anything that he doesn't like...this boy loves to eat!! We've also been trying to get him to use a sippy cup more often, but that is still a work in progress.
Kaden is having a little bit of trouble adjusting to our move in the sleeping department. He hasn't been napping very well and wakes up several times in the night. We are trying to let him work it out himself, but it is heart breaking to listen to him cry.
Kaden is always changing and surprises us with new tricks all of the time! Happy 8 (1/2) months!!
1 comment:
Little Kaden is learning new things every day! It's so fun seeing him change and grow right before our very eyes. What a dollbaby!!!
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