Thursday, March 17, 2011

New Lunch

We had a first for lunch today...PB&J! I can't believe Karter is nearly 3 and this was his first pb&j! We were having fun outside (well Kaden wasn't having that much fun) so to make coming inside sound a little more appealing to Karter, I said he could pick out a couple cookie cutters to us on his sandwich. He loves playing with my cookie cutters, and my trick worked like a charm! After we spread them all out, he picked a star for himself.
He was pretty excited to be able to "help" make lunch.

After a little taste test, it was time to pick out Kaden's.

Karter decided Kaden would like a fish.

I have one cute little kitchen helper!!

Lunch was definitely a hit today, and we will be having more pb&j's around here!!

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