Diaper changes have always been a challenge with Kaden, but now that he is a full fledged toddler, forget about it!! One day this week before nap I was changing a rather nasty one and was just pleased I got him to sit lay still long enough to get him cleaned up! When he was clean I didn't have time to reach for the new diaper before he was off to see what Karter was up to.

I thought they were playing so nice...and they were so stinkin' cute, so I grabbed the camera before I wrestled him back to the ground!

I had to add this one...Kaden is obsessed with his "peeps". Sometimes that is the only way he will lay still, he will find it and start laughing....ALL BOY!!

He was struttin' his stuff...

...and this is what happened when I finally put a diaper on him again...he likes to go pantless!
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All Gray-boy!!!
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