Sorry for the lack of updates for the past few weeks, but as most of our readers already know...we have spent these past few weeks MOVING!! "The Great Move of 2011" officially happened on December 17
th. It has been kind of been a whirlwind since then between trying to make our "new" house our own and celebrating Christmas! We were all so thankful that the move happened before Christmas (even if just one week before!) and we were able to celebrate Christmas in our own home!! :)
We spent that whole week before cleaning and getting unpacked, and we got somewhat finished just in time for my mom to join us on Christmas Eve. She got here just before the boys woke up from their naps. When
Karter woke up, we had received a special
message from Santa. The boys were really excited to have Grandma Vicky here to help them decorate cookies for Santa...

...but of course, the best part was eating the icing and sprinkles!

Lucky Santa to get a plate full of these beauties!! All week when we would talk about making cookies, he would not let us forget the
reindeer. So along with the cookies and milk for the big guy, we also left out a nice big carrot for the reindeer.

We woke up Christmas morning to Santa wishing us a Merry
Christmas, and the boys were sleepy, but surprised to see all of the gifts that he left for them!
Karter was SO excited to see that Santa and the reindeer had eaten the treats that he left out for them.
I wish I had gotten a picture of it, but before any gifts were opened, Kristoffer read us the story of our greatest gift from Luke 2.

After listening to the amazing story of Jesus' birth and prayer, the boys were ready to see what was in their stockings. Too bad we started with the stockings, because
Kaden got stuck on his stocking and was very reluctant to move on to anything else. He got a 5 pack of
Hot Wheel cars and was perfectly content to play with them! And of course his "two balls...I got two balls!".

What other day of the year can you eat candy at 5:30am!

This year was so fun and magical.
Karter is at a fun age and really got into all things Christmas.

When all of
Karter's presents had been unwrapped,
Kaden's still sat in a pile unopened!

He would rather eat
skittles off the floor! He was completely happy eating candy at 5:30 in the morning and playing with the cars that came in his stocking. When we would ask him to open anything else, he would say "no, I have cars".

After a lot of encouragement and
Karter starting to open them for him,
Kaden finally decided to get in on the action.

After all of the gifts from Santa were opened,
Karter played elf and passed out all the gifts from under the tree.

Daddy had to help him pass out my pile (someone likes to use excessive packaging when they wrap!).
Kaden really got into open the packages from us.

What a precious morning with our cuties!

The boys were both excited to help Daddy open his gifts.

Santa brought
Karter a shaving kit, and he was super
excited to shave with Daddy before church.

Oh man, what cuties!
We quickly got cleaned up and headed to church to celebrate our Savior's birth, and then the rest of the day was spent with our extended family. We were extremely happy to have my mom visiting and celebrating Christmas morning with us!
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing your first Christmas in the new house with us! I can just hear Kaden...ha! Love it!
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