This news is nearly 2 months old and I am sure most everyone already knows, but the day after Thanksgiving, Kristoffer and I made the ultimate Black Friday purchase...a new car! The weekend before he was driving the Tracker home and all of a sudden he lost all ability to steer it. I'm sure every wife does not want to hear the words "it feels like one of the tires is about to fall off" about the vehicle your husband drives over 100 miles a day to and from work. We have some amazing people in our lives who are in the car repair business, so we slowly drove the Tracker there and waited for the news. God was definitely watching over Kristoffer, and thankfully he wasn't driving on the interstate when it happened, because the cross member (part of the alignment that hold the front two tires in place) had rusted into two pieces and the wheels were basically just flapping around in there.
The Tracker had been a great car for us and made many long trips with us, but was old and had a lot of miles on it. We had been hoping that it would last "one more winter" for the past couple of years, so it came as no surprise when they said it would be more to repair than it was worth. Not pleased with the timing, but happy to find Kristoffer a safer car we set out on a quest for a cheap, fuel efficient commuter car for him.

Our search took us to a local Chevy dealer, thankfully it was close enough to home that we could leave the boys with some loving family while we did the initial leg work of buying a car. While they were finishing up the detail work on the car, we ran home to get them so they could ride in Daddy's new car!

The Tracker had definitely seen better days, but it was a bit emotional seeing it go! It had been Kristoffer's car since the day I met him, and I knew what to look for when I was waiting for him to get home. More than anything, we had really just enjoyed the luxury of not having to make a car payment for it for all these years!

It is
definitely not our family car, but is the right size just in case we all need to ride in it.
source Google Images
We purchased a 2012 Chevy Sonic. Every day on Kristoffer's commute, I used to wait for him to call and say he was stranded somewhere (that's how unreliable the Tracker was!), but this new car offers a piece of mind that is priceless!!

When we decorated the rest of the house for Christmas,
Karter was super excited to have his nativity set out too.

He is so precious, and every day he called me in to see all the people that were coming to see baby Jesus!!

My MOPS group had a cookie exchange for our last meeting of the semester. Each member was to bring 4 dozen cookies.

4 dozen Christmas cookies! This platter has drummed up quite a bit of business!!

My boys!!!

Back in August, Kristoffer took over as the teacher of our Sunday School class. He is an
amazing teacher and I love to watch him grow in his faith. Our last two sets of
curriculum have been video series,
Karter loves helping Daddy prepare for class!

The week before the big move we moved our TV into the house and had Dish come out to set up our TV. Our two very curious little boys kept wanting to "help" the guy set up the satellite, so I rented a movie on the
iPad for them to watch.

When he was all done, the boys were just as excited as Daddy to have our TV set-up!
Karter kept showing me our "new" TV...he didn't remember this one from MN.
Kaden is NOT scared of anything, this boy grabs life by the horns and goes. He gave us a few scares when he was still in his crib and started climbing out. One time he climbed/fell out and we thought he had really messed up his leg and he hobbled around for a few days. After that accident we knew we had to move him into a big boy bed. The transition has gone great and he sleeps better than he ever did in the crib!!!

We packaged up some of our raspberry jam we made this summer to give to
Karter and
Kaden's Sunday School teachers.

For our Sunday School class I made some Christmas tree cookies.


The boys have loved the unpacking process and rediscovering some of their old toys.

This old Elmo has provided a lot of entertainment...

...and belly laughs!!

If you are still reading, thank you and congratulations!!! We are just about caught up on our lives and very close to having regular posts again!!
1 comment:
Congrats on the new vehicle!!! Looks amazing! And can I say Kaden is looking SO grown up lately??? Sheesh!
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