Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy 9 Months!

Karter turns 9 months old today! Time is flying by and everyday our baby is turning into a real boy! He truly is all boy, destroying everything! What a blessing Karter is to our lives, he is a sweet boy and we couldn't imagine life without him!

Here is a list of what this little guy is up to these days...
  • MOVING! Karter cannot sit still. Or stand still for that matter, even when he is standing he likes to move around, especially jumping when you are holding him! He still doesn't really crawl, it is more of an army crawl, but he is FAST and it gets him where he needs to go.
  • He doesn't just move on the floor, he also moves in his crib. Karter never wakes up in the same position that he is laid down in.
  • He is still sleeping like a champ. He hit a bit of a rough patch last week when Grandma and Grandpa was here, but we think he was just too excited to sleep! He still goes to sleep around 8pm and sleeps until about 7:30am. Last week we started covering him up while he sleeps, he loves Great Grandma Ellen's quilt! Naps are getting better, he will put himself to sleep for his morning nap and nap for 2-3 hours, but still has to be rocked for his afternoon nap.
  • Karter is really good at playing by himself. Of course, he loves when we play on the floor with him, but he is fine by himself too. His favorite toys by far are his blocks, but coming in a close second are the coins that go with his new piggy bank! He almost always has either a block or a coin in his hand as he cruises around the house.
  • He still hates socks! They don't last more than a minute in the car and I don't even bother with them around the house!
  • He loves music! Karter likes it when we sing to him or play music, he will just bounce along and wave his arms around. He will also play his piano and dance along! We were at Chipotle this weekend, and he was so busy dancing in his highchair that it was hard to feed him!
  • He is still a great eater! At both lunch and dinner he has one container of fruit and one veggie and then whatever we are having too! His favorite table food is cheese. He can eat half of a string cheese by himself. With his lunch he gets a sippy cup with breast milk in it. After a couple weeks, he is finally drinking the whole thing!
  • Karter is always making noises of some sort. He loves to say "da-da", blow bubbles with is mouth, laugh, fake cough, clap...just about anything that makes noise!
  • It is very difficult to change him or get him dressed. He is so active, it is hard to get him to sit still for 5 seconds.
  • Lately he is really into books. Thankfully, he has outgrown the eating of books stage and now likes to look at them. He loves to turn the pages! He will finally let us read him a book without whining the whole time because he wants to eat it! I think that going to the library every week is helping!
  • Our Dr. doesn't do a nine month visit, so we will have to wait until next month to see how much he has grown, but we are sure it is a lot! All of his clothes are now 12 month clothes, and some of them aren't that big on him! Growing boy!
Well, this turned into quite the list! I am sure there is a lot more, but these are the main things. God continues to bless our family everyday, and we are truly grateful!


Anonymous said...

I can hardly believe it's already been 9 months! He's 3/4 of a year old!!! :) What a dollbaby!

Jess said...

Dana - Wow! 9 months! He really is starting to look like a liitle boy - I think it is the hair.

Thanks for the comment about Craig's job. Yeah, I don't think I would survive well in Minnesota. We had a several days in a row this winter that we were well into the negative temperatures - CRAZY COLD! Before that week, I was considering MN as a possibility - after that, NO WAY! We are happy to see spring coming! Of course we would love to visit MN and some wonderful friends, but not sure I could live there! You are brave!

Take care! Love Jess