Friday was a big day for our family. It started off with all of us meeting at the hospital in the afternoon, and
Karter watching intently as mommy got her 20 week ultrasound.

The 20 week u/s is such a great experience, because we get to watch our little baby for an hour as the tech takes all of its measurements. It is pretty amazing to see things like this for an hour...

That's a profile shot of Baby Gray #2. Ultrasound pictures aren't the best to look at if you don't know what you are suppose to be looking for. This is a profile shot of the babe, with its hand up by its forehead and legs pointed up. Besides being able to watch our baby move around, we were also able to find out that everything is developing how and where it should...always reassuring to hear as a parent! The baby's heartbeat was a strong 144
bpm. The 20 week u/s is also an exciting time, because you get to find out if the babe is a boy or a girl. As per our tradition (is it a tradition if you've only done it twice?), we didn't want to find out at the hospital, so we had her put the picture in a card to open at dinner.
(Another profile shot with a little fist up by its chin.)
After the u/s we went out to our favorite Japanese Steakhouse for dinner. After a very eventful dinner, we opened our card to find out that we are having a BOY!! We are both very excited that our boys are going to be so close together, but honestly we are also very shocked. This pregnancy has been so different we were both convinced that it was going to be a girl. Now that we know Baby Gray #2 is a boy, we just have to think of a name. Since we thought it was going to be a girl, we don't have any boy names picked out. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, but remember it has to start with a K!
Contratulations...I'm sure Karter can't wait to have a brother to play with!...Can't wait to see you this weekend! (And by the way, no name suggestions because I won't have any K-names left by the time I have children. haha
Congratulations Dana and Kristoffer! How exciting to have two little boys who will be so close (in age and relationship). Good thing it's another boy though because the best girl K name is taken...ahem. Just kidding. I'm sure whatever you come up with will be an absolute perfect fit. Congrats again.
how about korydon. pretty darn cool. named after the first capital of indiana, with a slight modification. haha...whatever. i know that you both have something stored up in the old noodle. love you all!
My new grandson!!! I'm so thrilled, especially that he is growing perfectly and all is well. I have lots of name suggestions, but I'll keep them to myself and let you surprise us!
See you in 5 days!!!
Love you!
So excited to have another nephew! Looking forward to seeing you and of course Karter too this weekend.
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