1. No bed-making (no point)...and my clothes can be strewn across the floor. Not like I make the bed in the first place or keep my clothes picked up...but I could do it this week, and am choosing not to. :-)
2. No cleaning up to do in the living room. When no one uses it, it remains as clean as a whistle! The living room has been this clean since Dana left - so I can keep a clean house if I want to.
3. No doing dishes every night. Now...usually, Dana does the dishes each night after Karter goes to bed while I clean up all of Karter's toys and things. But...since I'm now in charge, dishes can be done on a semi-weekly basis.
However, with all of these benefits, there is the biggest downfall --- loneliness. Sometimes, life without your best friend is okay with slightly less responsibility. But...I miss our evening dinners together, watching Wheel of Fortune together, taking our evening walk, and just enjoying conversation and company. I miss my best friend.
Well...only a few more days of this before Karter and Dana come home. For me, it couldn't be soon enough!
Aww..How sweet Kris! Hope they have a safe trip home!
Sometimes a few days away can make us appreciate each other even more! I'll be glad when your family is all back together. But until then...you might as well enjoy the quiet!
Love you!
You know how I know you're old. You watch wheel of fortune. ;)
I miss you too, can't wait to see you tomorrow! Love You!
This post is so sweet. Glad you shared it and your bf will is back at last!
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