We're back!!
Karter and I returned home from our 12 day Indiana adventure on Tuesday. It has taken me two days to get everything unpacked and get
Karterman back on some resemblance of his old schedule, so now we are back to posting!

We left our house Friday morning and drove to Chicago to spend the evening with my brother and his family (there will be a separate post later of the cousins playing together!). Saturday morning we finished our drive to Indiana, and made it to my favorite mother and father in-laws house in time for lunch!
Karter was happy to be out of the car and run around.

He was also happy to find out that his Uncle
Kyler had come home from
IU for the day, just to spend time with him!

During our 5 day stay with our Gray family,
Karter got to spend a lot of time with his Uncle Zach and Aunt Emily.

For dinner one night we went over to visit Great Grandpa Bud and Gran Gran! After dinner, Grandpa Bud enjoyed giving
Karter a ride on his tractor. I think
Karter enjoyed it just as much!

They couldn't get enough of our
Karterman and came over to spend some more time with him another night.
Karter was also able to visit his Great Grandpa Kenny and Joyce, sorry no pictures of that visit, while Grandma Terry and I were at bible study.

I think one of
Karter's favorite things about visiting Grandma Terry was all the cuddles! At home if
Karter fusses when we put him down for nap, he just has to fuss, but at Grandma's house she goes to get him and cuddle. This is a pretty cute picture of the two of them waking up from an afternoon nap!!

Another one of his favorite things was playing with and smooching Grandpa Kim! He loves his Papa!
Tune in tomorrow for more of our adventure...
All photos courtesy of Terry Gray.
Mama will get a kick out of the "Gran-Gran" thing! We loved every minute of having you here!!!
Glad I got to spend a little bit of time with both of you. Hope you enjoyed your Indiana stay!
You know...nothing is better than spending time with family. Very fun trip :)
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