Last Thursday
Karter hit a HUGE milestone...he went potty on his big boy potty!! We bought him his own potty about a month ago, because he was showing a huge interest when we would go to the bathroom, but of course when he got his own potty he lost interest. To help motivate him to sit on the potty we would reward him with a little piece of candy if he sat on there for at
least 5 minutes...at the end of the 5 minutes there wasn't ever anything in the potty, but at least he was sitting on it! We would always ask him if he would want to go and he would do his little I-don't-want-to-do-what-you-are-asking dance and grunt around. We
just decided when he was ready he would do it. Well that day came last Thursday after his nap...we were coming upstairs and I asked him if he wanted to go, he ran right into the bathroom and yelled "pants off!" He sat on the potty for 45 minutes (he didn't want to get up) and actually
pottied...both 1 &2 if you are wondering! Ever since that day he is super excited to sit on the potty, but now he only gets his reward (2 M&Ms) if he actually goes. He still goes in his diaper of course, but goes on the potty quite a bit too. We are so proud of our big boy!! In case you are wondering...of course I took a picture of his first potty, but I will spare you all from seeing it...and I don't want
Karter to be totally embarrassed when he is older!
Wow...that's so exciting! It's the one thing I dreaded about rearing toddlers, but I have a feeling he'll be pretty easy! Congrats to all!!!
Man, I'm jealous. Jonah will sit there forever. He'll ask to go, but nothing goes in the potty.
Congratulations big boy...and thanks for sparing the poo pic.
Congrats Karter...keep up the good work!
sitting on the commode at <2 yrs old. that really is quite the milestone!
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