Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Fun

The Easter Bunny stopped by our house a day early this year. Saturday afternoon, after the boys woke up from their naps, Karter and Jonah were pleasantly surprised to see all of the goodies that were left for them.

Also while they were napping, the dads went outside to hind 24 eggs in the back yard.

They weren't sure what to do at first...

...but once they caught on, they were pretty excited!

Jonah and Karter both ended up with a pretty good stash of candy!

Here is a little video of part of the egg hunt...sorry isn't that great!

After the egg hunt, we went across the street to try out Karter's new kite. This video is of the first attempt, they got much better after this.


Kyler said...

I'm loving both of the videos. He is definitely excited about the whole kite thing, which may once again "change everything he knows about science"

Gramaw T said...

Very year they'll be running after the eggs...we'll see how much sharing happens then! Karter loved the kite. Maybe you should bring it to the beach (if it's still intact by then!)