My appointment itself was pretty boring...during pregnancy boring is a good thing! I was kind of surprised I only gained 1 lb in the last 5 weeks, which means I am still down 2 for the entire pregnancy, not too bad for almost being halfway done. Karterman doesn't like it when mommy has to have Dr's do things to her, so he was sure to sit on the table next to me as we listened to baby's heartbeat. Oh what a wonderful sound that is! I must admit, after being sick this week (and being the worry-wart that I am) I was nervous about how the babe was doing, but its heartbeat was a nice strong 145bpm. My next appointment is 2 weeks from today, and that is THE BIG 20 week ultrasound! How exciting, in 2 weeks we will know if baby K #2 is a boy or a girl! Kristoffer will be leaving work early that day to meet me at the hospital for the appointment and then all three of us will go out to celebrate.
Happy Friday!
Can't wait to find out if I'll have a niece or another nephew! Glad you're feeling much better!
You're looking good, little Mama! Glad things are boring. Boring=good sometimes!
Love you all!
Dana you look great!
Dana you are such a beautiful woman! I am so excited for you both. I know Karterman will enjoy having a play partner too :) Love you guys and see you soon!
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