Friday, August 7, 2009

Baby's Best Friend

Karter and Rascal are best friends. After our recent trips, Karter's face lights up and he lets out the biggest giggle when he sees his puppy again!

Besides chasing Rasc around the house, Karter's favorite thing to do with his puppy is throw a tennis ball at the park.

Sometimes though, Karter gets impatient waiting for Rascal to bring the ball back so he chases it down himself.

Both, Karter and Rascal love their freedom running around at the park.

Karter especially likes it when daddy holds Rasc down and he can attack him.

And of course, we have to take a break from all that playing to wave at people driving by!

Usually Karter is all lovey towards Rascal, but even Rasc knows what this face means...

...WATCH OUT! Whenever you see that face you should know Karter is about to bite you...a habit we are trying very hard to break! On some days, I think Rascal preferred the days when all Karter could do was lay around!


Kyler said...

Great pictures of Karterman and Rascal. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Mom said...

Great pics Dana! I love seeing Karter running around outside.

Miss you all!

Terry said...

Love all the different expressions on Karter's face! You captured them perfectly. But I must say, he's never gotten that "Watch Out!" look when Grandma's had him...guess he knows better. Smart child! :)

Love you all! Have fun with Kyler & Kara this week!

Anique said...

This is such a fun post of sweet little Karterman with his pup! He's becoming quite the boy :) Have fun with Kara and Kyler! Love you guys!