Thursday, September 23, 2010

On the Move

Kaden definitely has his own style of crawling, but it works for him. Something clicked for him today and he has been crawling all around the living room. Sorry Gramaw T, that is a Rascal ball he is chasing!


Gramaw T said...

Oh my goodness, the boy is crawling...his own unique way!!! I'm fine as long as he's chasing and throwing the ball, but I can't help but cringe when he puts it in his mouth... ugh!!!

Love you guys!!!

Kara said...

No stinkin way! How is this boy old enough to crawl!? So super sweet, and I love his determination!

Kyler said...

Cannot believe he is crawling the way, thanks for letting Kara and I make the Wall of Website Fame. I can't imagine the new traffic bump our website will get.