Kristoffer and Kamaron went to order our food, and when they got back Kristoffer looked confused about what jsut happened and it took him a bit to recover. Arthur Bryant's is a no frills kind of place, but the food was amazing!
After church we came back home and had lunch. Kaden decided that he didn't need to take a nap, so we had some snuggling time on the couch.
Kristoffer and Kamaron battled it out on the Wii.
Aunt Nique even enjoyed a little snuggle time!
After Karter woke up we ventured out to Weston Bend State Park to do a little hiking.
Kaden rode on Kristoffer's back while Karter hiked by himself. I have to say, it was much easier on me to hike without Kado strapped to my chest!
Our first trail took us to a gorgeous view of the Missouri River. (Sorry, Karter was not into having his picture taken!)
Not sure what Kamaron was up to!
Every stick Karter found turned into his walking stick, but they slowed him down, so thankfully he didn't use them too long!
After our hike we went on into Weston and walked around and enjoyed looking at the shops. Weston is a cool old town that at one time was Missouri's most populous states until the river shifted and it was no longer a river city.
All of the old buildings have been turned into cute little shops. Kristoffer insisted that we go into the candle store and of course he started talking shop with the worker. Karter enjoyed smelling all of the candles...his face might look like he doesn't like it, but that is just how he sniffs.
One of our favorite stores was the ice cream/fudge shop...where of course we all enjoyed a little treat!
That evening we dinned on the Big Italy from Pizza Hut and relaxed at home.
Monday morning we went out to Kamaron and Anique's favorite breakfast spot and ate a VERY hearty breakfast before packing up the van to head home. (Again, Karter did not want his picture taken!)
Our drive home didn't go as smoothly as the way down, but we made it home safe and sound. We are spending this week recovering and trying to get Mr. Kaden back on a better sleeping schedule.
Thank you to the KC Gray's for being such fabulous host's, we had a great time hanging out with you guys and are looking forward to seeing you both again soon!!!
You've got some great photos in that bunch! Love the first one with the sunrise in the background, and love the one with your heads in the tree (and Kamo acting goofy!). Of course, Kaden's smiles are priceless! Love you all!
Looks like such a good time. I love all the pictures! And good job Karter for hiking all by yourself!
It was so much fun having you guys here! The boys wore us out and we slept on the couch after you left for about 3 hours. :) Loved every minute of your visit!
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