The main reason for our trip to Indiana last week was to celebrate Karter's birthday with our family. His Grandma Terry & Grandpa Kim let us use their house to host his party on Saturday, June 13th. It was a fun party with about 24 people there to spend the day with us. We had a cookout for lunch, with Kim and Kristoffer manning the grill, and no birthday party is complete without presents and cake!

Karter wasn't sure what to think at first when it came to opening presents and let mom and dad do most of the work.

After awhile he warmed up and wanted in on the action!

He got a LOT of great things! We were nervous if they would all fit in our car, but luckily we didn't have any problems getting it all in.

This is the cake that I made for his party. It was served with homemade ice cream!

Everyone singing Happy Birthday to him. He loved all the attention!

"What, you actually want me to make a mess, mom?"

He wanted me to have the first taste.

After the cake was dumped off, he didn't want all the good icing on the plate to go to waste! He truly is his daddy's boy!

Washing all the cake down with some milk.

He was on a sugar high after all his cake!

It was great to be able to celebrate Karter's 1st birthday with people that love him (and us!)!
What a fun day! You are such a great party-planner, Dana! Love you all!
'Twas awesome! Are you guys starting the vacation countdown or is that just me?
Looks like you all had a great time. I like your hair Dana!
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