Monday, June 15, 2009

One Year Ago Today...

...I spent the ENTIRE day in labor. This is the very last picture of our family when it was just the two of us (not a very flattering picture of myself, but what can I say...I was in labor!). What a difference a year makes!

Sorry, no new Karterman pictures, I haven't had time to upload the ones from our trip yet. If you are desperate for your Karter fix, check out my awesome mother in-law's website....she takes better pictures anyway!


Jess said...

I think Karter looks older in Terry's pictures than when we saw him one week ago! Did you end up getting his hair trimmed?

Congratulations on a great year and a beautiful baby! You are such great parents. Love you guys.

Laura Milligan said...

i can't believe it has already been a year--and that he's walking already!

Your favorite MIL said...

Thanks for the shout-out Dana...but I do NOT take better pictures! It's easy with such a beautiful subject!! Love you!