...from Our Family to Yours!
Now off to Indiana...YAY!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Thank You Great Grandpa Kenny
Christmas came early for Karterman!! Last week, his Great Grandpa Kenny sent him his first Radio Flyer wagon. Kristoffer put it together for him this weekend (his first of many gifts to assemble for Karter) and took him for a test drive around the living room. Karter was all smiles (and drool) as he rode in his wagon. He will be riding in style around Hampton this Spring. Thank you Great Grandpa!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Snowy Day
(Please ignore the open cabinets in the background!)
Friday, December 19, 2008
On Strike!
It has been an interesting week around here. After my flu shot on Tuesday, I started to get sick and have been every since. It is hard to keep up with Karter when I'm not feeling 100%. Besides me being sick, Karter has been on strike! He refuses to eat any of his cereal. I have tried everyday, three times a day, since Tuesday, and he will not open his mouth! I have even tried to mix squash, his favorite veggie, and he still wouldn't eat it. I'm sure it's just a phase, but hopefully he gets over it quickly.
This weekend is our last weekend in MN for the year. We will be celebrating Christmas tonight with our youth group by having a lock-in at the church. We are planning to play games at the church and then go bowling and play laser tag at the new center in town that is open until 2am. I'm sure Kristoffer and I will be ready to pass out by then, since we usually fall asleep around 9pm! Saturday will be spent sleeping to catch up on what we miss tonight, and Sunday we are having lunch with family friends after church.
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Happy 6 Months!
Today our little man turns 6 months old! It is amazing how quickly time really does go by the older you get. It is hard to imagine our lives without Karter; he has brought so much joy into our lives. I am amazed everyday at how his personality is starting to come out more. He is, and always has been, a very mellow and happy baby. It still brings tears to my eyes to think about how much I love him, and I didn’t even know him 6 months ago!!
We had to go to the doctor today, and unfortunately that meant Karter had to get 4 shots and an oral vaccine. We both got flu shots today and I’m happy to say that I didn’t scream like he did when he got his! Going into the appointment, Kristoffer and I were guessing he weighed about 20lbs. We were off by just a little, he came in today at 19lbs 7oz (83%) and was 28 inches long (93%). Dr. McKenzie was very impressed with Karter’s growth and she couldn’t get over how well he was sitting up! He is developing right on track, hitting all of the milestones. He can…
• Roll over
• Sit-up without support
• Stand-up when held
• Play with his feet
• Laugh, squeal, loves to blow bubbles and do a fake cough to get attention
• Get upset when you take a toy away
Recently he has been eating 2 “solid” meals a day, with vegetables mixed with is dinner, and she recommended that we take it up to 3 meals a day. She also wants us to start introducing him to different fruits. He has really liked all the vegetables he has eaten so far, with squash being his favorite! He will swallow it as soon as it is put into his mouth and then sit there with his mouth wide open waiting for more!
I did get some disappointing news today though. I have been pumping milk for Karter for over 5 months now, and have built up quiet the freezer stash (almost 400 bags!). My goal was to stop pumping once we got back from Indiana in January, and I would have enough in the freezer to make it until his 1st birthday. Then, last month I noticed that most of the bags of milk had white spots on them. So, I thawed some out to test, and the milk stunk! There was no way I was going to feed it to him!! This, among other things, was on my list of questions for Dr. McKenzie. She said that the milk has gone bad, and that I should throw all of the milk away!! Not a big deal really, but it would have been nice to not have to pump everyday.
Anyway…Karter is doing great and will have to go back in 4 weeks for his second flu shot. Click here to check out some picture we took today.
Monday, December 15, 2008
New Toy!
This morning I was woken up by a rustling sound and high pitched baby giggles! I peaked into Karter's room and found him chewing on the baby monitor. We have always kept it tucked into the corner of the crib, but now that he is rolling all over the crib at night, he has found that he has a new chew toy in his bed! After I saw him I quickly grabbed our camera to capture him in action. He saw me before I could get him chewing on it, but he gave me this "busted" look and started laughing. He is too funny!
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Tale of Two Cuties
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Karterman Loves His Daddy!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Lunch with Sherry
Last Friday, Karter and I went out to lunch with our good friend Sherry. I met Sherry at work, and on my way up to her office I ran into some residents I used to work with. It was fun to be able to show off Karter! We ate at one of our favorite restaurants, Olive Garden! (Yes, Kristoffer I do eat at other restaurants!)
For a year, I saw Sherry almost everyday and got to hear all of her stories and vent about things going on in my own life. Now that we don't work together, we don't see each other as often, so it was great to catch up with one another. Sherry and her husband, Johann, are going the process of adoption. They are a very loving couple and are great with kids…they will make fantastic parents! Karter didn't have any problem cuddling up to Sherry, within minutes after this photo he was passed out in her arms!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Santa Came to Town
This past Saturday, Santa Claus came to Little Oscars. We were excited to take Karter for his first visit with the Big Guy. Karter did really well, but we weren't able to get a smile from him!
It was a good thing that Karter is too young to really understand, because this Santa was not as good as the real thing. We hear the Mall of America has the real Santa, so we may have to go there next year!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Snow Day
This week we got our first snow that is probably going to stick around for awhile. Kristoffer had to break out the snow shovel and salt to clear the driveway, while our neighbors all used their snow blowers. It seems everyone in Minnesota has a snow blower! Anyway...Yesterday afternoon mommy bundled Karter up for his first encounter with the snow! Being in his monkey suit he can't really sit down very well, but we did manage to capture one photo before he fell backwards! He was just looking around trying to figure out what all the white stuff was. The cutest part was when he would wave his arm around, that had been laying in the snow, and the snow would get all over his face. He would make such a confused face! Hope he gets used to the snow....MN has long winters!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Deck the Halls
In addition to decorating our house, we also helped our Church with the hanging of the greens last Sunday. Our Church always hangs Chrismons on their tree and this year we hung the butterfly. Sunday was also the start of Advent, and we were asked to light the first Advent candle. While Kristoffer was reading the passage, Karter decided he wanted to read too and started "talking". Of course, the whole church started to laugh.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Oops...I Forgot a First!
How could I have forgotten this one! Friday night, Karter sat in his first high chair in a restaurant. Since he isn't riding in his carrier anymore, he doesn't have a seat at a restaurant. We completely forgot about this last week when we went to Famous Dave's before the parade. Kristoffer wanted to try a high chair, but I was very hesitant. We tried it, and daddy was right (did you hear that Kristoffer, I admitted it!) Karter loved the highchair. It would have been perfect if he was a little taller or the table was a little shorter.
Some Karter Firsts
Monday, December 1, 2008
Our Weekend of Giving Thanks: A Photo Essay
Friday, November 21, 2008
This year we are hosting the Gray Family Thanksgiving. We are very excited about this, because it will be the first time that we are able to celebrate Thanksgiving with family since we moved to Minnesota.
After we plaaned the menu, Dana began trying out some of her recipes to make sure that they are perfect for the big day! The first one to be tested was pie. Kristoffer said he wanted a custard/cream pie. He used the words custard and cream interchangeably. So, when Dana's Grandma was visiting they made their first pie. Dana was impressed that her Grandma had her recipes memorized!! They made made her pie crust and cream pie. It was delicious, but not the pie Kristoffer had in mind when he wanted a custard/cream pie.
So the next week we had a custard pie. This one, not so delicious! It was basically a sweet egg bake...gross! After dinner that night we got out the Sulphur Springs Church's cookbook (an excellent book!) and looked for recipes. We found a recipe for Old-Fashion Cream Pie, and this sparked Kristoffer to do a little research. Turns out, this type of pie is called Hoosier Pie! Of course, all good things come from Indiana! The next day, Dana made a Hoosier Pie, and it was a winner! This is the one we will be serving for the big day.
Well, this is a long way of saying we have been eating A LOT of pie lately! We are willing to make that sacrifice to make sure things turn out great for Thanksgiving...haha!
Sorry about the terrible picture, we aren't food photographers.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Saturday Mornings
I get to watch the two loves of my life play!
Daddy helps with the feedings!