Monday, December 15, 2008

New Toy!

IMG_4721, originally uploaded by minnesotagrays.

This morning I was woken up by a rustling sound and high pitched baby giggles! I peaked into Karter's room and found him chewing on the baby monitor. We have always kept it tucked into the corner of the crib, but now that he is rolling all over the crib at night, he has found that he has a new chew toy in his bed! After I saw him I quickly grabbed our camera to capture him in action. He saw me before I could get him chewing on it, but he gave me this "busted" look and started laughing. He is too funny!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That little stinker! He's getting too big for his britches!

Can't wait to see you all in 2 weeks!

Love you!