Karter is 5 1/2 months old now (really?!...where did the time go), and everyday he is getting stronger and more independent. Lately, he has had a lot of new firsts. A couple of weeks ago we bought him a new convertible car seat. He was out growing his carrier and was getting too heavy for mommy to lug into the stores. He is now riding in style and really likes his new seat. Well, we assume he likes it, he always falls asleep. He is definitely his mom's son, she always sleeps in the car too. Thankfully, not when she's driving!

He can also now sit up completely unsupported. This is very nice when we have to do other things and can just sit him on the floor with some toys. It also makes mommy alittle sad, because her baby isn't a baby-baby anymore.

Last Wednesday was Karter's first bath in the big boy tub! We knew it was time to move him out of the baby tub when he learned how to pull himself to a standing position while in the old tub. He thought it was hilarious, but it just about gave mom and dad a heart attack. Now, he gets his bath in the big tube and he loves it. He has special bath toys, so that means he has new things to chew on!

Another first for Karter this week was starting vegetables. We were going to wait until 6 months, but on Sunday we decided to give it a try. His first taste was of peas mixed with his cereal. Doesn't it look delicious!?

The jury is still out on whether or not he liked it! He made some pretty disgusted faces while eating it, but he would always open his mouth for more. He ended up eating about 3/4 of the bowl. Daddy kept telling him he didn't need to eat his peas, because he didn't like them either.

And who can forget this first! Karter's first snowsuit. Doesn't he look so warm and cute?

Complete with a tail in the back. What an adorable little monkey he is!
The monkey suit is hilarious!
I can't believe he's outgrown his car seat already! We haven't upgraded Jonah yet, but that's probably because we're bad parents.
Don't forget his first time in a high chair in a restaurant! He's growing up so fast!
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