- He still eats 3 "solid" meals a day, but is down to only getting 4 bottles. In each bottle he is getting around 9 oz, so still a lot of milk. Our once veggie only baby, has turned into a fruit lover! He still eats a lot of veggies, but prefers some fruits now. His least favorite fruits are plain peaches and bananas. He loves peach cobbler, pears and blueberries.
- In addition to his baby food, Karter also loves to eat whatever we are having...but only if it is off our fork or spoon. Lately, he has had: pizza, spaghetti, hamburger, chicken, soup, bread sticks, green beans, jam, brownie and ice cream. (His daddy loves to feed him the sweet stuff!)
- After each meal and snack, he gets a drink from his sippy cup. We have tried to add juice to it, but he just wants plain water.
- He is crawling everywhere! He is very quick, especially when he is going after things he knows he isn't suppose to have. His favorite targets are Rascal's food dishes and ANY kind of electrical cord. He will take off really quickly and then look back to see if anyone is looking at him. When we tell him no he just laughs at us and takes off! He's all boy!
- Karter still likes to jump in his johnny jumper, but now that he has mobility he doesn't like the exersaucer so much.
- He also likes to be sang to, thankfully he doesn't mind how terrible my singing voice is! When I am trying to get him down for a nap and he just isn't having it, I can sing to him and he will calm right down. He also likes it when we are just acting silly and singing and dancing around the house. He just laughs the whole time, I hope he is laughing from enjoyment and not making fun of me!!
- His favorite game to play is peek-a-boo.
- He loves any toy, and will chew on anything. But, his all-time favorite toys are his blocks. If he sees us playing with them he has to come get them.
- Finally, he is growing so quickly. Kristoffer doesn't think he has grown in the last week, but he has! Pajama's that were way to big for him last week, are fitting him this week!! All of his clothes now are 12 month clothes, and we don't have many of them. He is also wearing size 4 diapers now too. I have to do a lot of laundry to keep up with him! We will be going shopping in the next few weeks for a whole new wardrobe for him. Man, I wish I got a new wardrobe every few months!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Happy 8 Months!
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Let's go shopping for Karter when I come up in 18 days (not that I'm counting...). Grandma would love to get him some new things!
Let's go shopping for Karter when I come up in 18 days (not that I'm counting...). Grandma would love to get him some new things!
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