The appointment was pretty typical, with one major change...Karter now uses the big scale, he's not a baby anymore! His percentages aren't through the roof anymore, but he is still above average with his height. We weren't sure if he would need any shots at this appointment, but he ended up needing 2 shots and a finger prick. Of course, he hated getting the shots, but once he realized he was getting band-aids on them he was fine.
WEIGHT: 28.2 lb - 50.7%
HEIGHT: 2ft 11.5in - 79.4%
HEAD: 19in - 59.3%
We were at the clinic for over an hour, for only about 10 minutes worth a face time. All that extra waiting around is not a good thing when you have a very active 2 year old on your hands. He kept pointing and saying "this"...he wanted to play with the instruments the Dr uses to look in his eyes and ears. They are probably pretty expensive and not the best things for little boys to play with.
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We're on our way to see you!!! Love to you all!
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