Sunday, January 31, 2010
10:30 Update
The debate with the nurse is that if Baby K will come before or after midnight. Right now, the nurse's projection is right at midnight - we'll see how close she is! Dana and I still think that Baby K will be an early morning February baby... Of course, our prediction is based on zero education - compared to our nurse's years of schooling!
Hopefully, you will get to see Baby K with the next post...
Pain, Pain, Go Away...
If you have never been present for an epidural or spinal tap, it is pretty interesting. Our anesthesiologist, though, I would describe as the John Madden of doctors - he gave a play-by-play account of each step in the process. Everything from: "See how curved this long needle is?" to "Good, no spinal fluid when we entered the plastic tube." allowed both Dana and I to understand what was going on.
Anyway...that has been in since around 7:00 - and Dana can barely feel a thing from her toes to her chest. Right now, we are relaxing (as much as we can) watching the Grammy Awards and the Pro Bowl. She has progressed a little bit more - so we are on our way! The only question is whether Baby K will be a January or February baby... More updates to come...stay tuned!
Here is a picture of a relaxed Dana...
It's Supper Time
It's time to eat some dinner... Here's what it looks like now in our room - with Dana hooked up to both an IV and a monitor. The monitor tracks both Baby K's heartbeat (the 138 below) and Dana's contractions (the 9 on the monitor below). When Dana has a contraction, the "9" can go up into the mid-20s.
It's with this backdrop that we have just enjoyed our dinner. Chicken sandwich and fries for me - grilled cheese and soup for the mom-to-be. Here's a picture of Dana enjoying the last supper of being a mom of one!
We are Here! is now 4:30pm - and we are at the hospital. We got here around 3:00pm, and are now waiting...the long waiting game! :-) Room 1105 will be our residency for a while now. Above are pictures from and of the bed.
Dana is hooked up to an IV - with pitocin (supposed to quicken contractions). Her doctor will be here around 5:00 - to hopefully give her a check and get ready for the event.
I'll continue to post as time goes on (hopefully with more pictures!). Ok...we are going to try and walk around a litte bit...come on Baby K!!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The Final Countdown
We received word from the hospital that our plans have changed... Instead of Dana being induced at 7:00am on Monday, we got bumped (baby-bumped, I guess you could say) to 3:00pm Sunday. So...tomorrow afternoon - barring any monumentous events this evening - we will be heading to Regina Medical Center. Their Family Birthing Center will be our temporary residency for a few days.
Stay the newest member of the human race joins the Minnesota Grays!!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Still Waiting
Today is Baby K's official due date, but he doesn't seem to care about that and is pretty comfortable where he is. While I'm not really looking forward to the actual delivery part, I am very much looking forward to holding our new baby in my arms. There is just something very special about those first moments with your child, and my arms are aching to hold him for the first time! Looking at this picture, it is really hard to believe that our Karterman was once this little, he is much too busy running around these days to cuddle like he used to. We know that Karter is going to be a great big brother and are looking forward to seeing our two boys together!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
No, I'm NOT in Labor!
While we have all been waiting on Baby K, Karter has been keeping us entertained! He has always loved to sing, and these days we have been doing A LOT of singing. He loves all songs, but prefers the ones that have hand motions to go along with them...and everyone in the room must participate. Here is a cute little video of him and Gramaw singing together....
Monday, January 25, 2010
Karter's 1st Ouchie
In this video Karter was to excited anticipating Gramaw dancing that he could barely play his harmonica, but if you watch him you can see how he acts like his right hand doesn't work!
Friday, January 22, 2010
39 Weeks
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Karter Counting
It is so fun to watch Karter grow and learn, each day he is coming up with new things to amaze us with. He has mastered the alphabet and now we are working on counting...he surprised us yesterday with his ability to count to six!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Hope Baby K Likes to Swing
Friday, January 15, 2010
Bubble Boy
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Blues Brothers
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Big-Boy Room
Monday, January 11, 2010
Christmas in Indiana: Part III - More People = More Playtime
Friday, January 8, 2010
Christmas in Indiana: Part II - Cousins!