If you have never been present for an epidural or spinal tap, it is pretty interesting. Our anesthesiologist, though, I would describe as the John Madden of doctors - he gave a play-by-play account of each step in the process. Everything from: "See how curved this long needle is?" to "Good, no spinal fluid when we entered the plastic tube." allowed both Dana and I to understand what was going on.
Anyway...that has been in since around 7:00 - and Dana can barely feel a thing from her toes to her chest. Right now, we are relaxing (as much as we can) watching the Grammy Awards and the Pro Bowl. She has progressed a little bit more - so we are on our way! The only question is whether Baby K will be a January or February baby... More updates to come...stay tuned!
Here is a picture of a relaxed Dana...
Great job keeping up posted, Kristoffer! You all are doing good...hang in there, it'll all be worth it!!!
Karter's had his bath, is in bed. I took Rascal out and, bless his little dog-heart, he pooped right along the side of the street so I didn't have to climb over snowbanks to clean it up! He is kind of pitiful though, watching for you to come home. I tried to explain it to him, but he wasn't having it!
Call me whenever!!!
Dana you look great for being in labor!
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