Here we are at 39 weeks and the end is so very close! I honestly didn't think I would still be pregnant today. At my OB appointment last week I was dilated to 3cm and over 50% effaced (sorry if that is TMI, but hey this is my blog!), so after that progress I was convinced I would have the baby this week...I still think it will happen before our actual due date of the 29th. We are as prepared as you can be for a new baby to arrive. The nursery is set up, our hospital bags are packed and Gramaw Terry is here ready to stay with Karter! We can't wait to meet our new baby and by the look on Karter's face, I think he is pretty excited to be a big brother too! Hopefully soon we will have some exciting news...stay tuned, Kristoffer plans to update as often as possible during our hospital stay!
Dana you look great! Good luck the next few days!!!
You are beautiful Dana! We will check back to get updates. Can't wait to hear the good news! Hopefully this baby doesn't keep you in labor for over 24 hours - sounds like he already has a head start! Praying that things go smoothly for you.
Jess and Craig
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