I figured since I didn't post yesterday (and almost didn't today) that some people may have thought it meant we were at the hospital, but I'm sorry that is not the case! I was hoping by now to have a new baby boy to post about, and with Gramaw Terry here I haven't been taking very many pictures. I had another appointment today, and things are continuing to progress along. I have been having some regular contractions today, but they just aren't gaining in intensity...hopefully soon. If Baby K doesn't decide to come this weekend, we will go in on Monday at 7:30am to be induced, Dr. TT really doesn't think that I will make it until Monday though. He will be here soon...one way or another!!
While we have all been waiting on Baby K, Karter has been keeping us entertained! He has always loved to sing, and these days we have been doing A LOT of singing. He loves all songs, but prefers the ones that have hand motions to go along with them...and everyone in the room must participate. Here is a cute little video of him and Gramaw singing together....
Nice work Gramaw Terry! Karter is just too cute as well. It looks like he LOVES singing!
That is great! I am loving the hand motions and the encouraging "pease" after the hand motions stop. I'm hoping baby K makes his grand entrance soon!
This is absolutely precious!
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