This year we were able to host the 2
nd Annual Minnesota Gray Family Thanksgiving. It was such a great holiday/weekend. Our house was full of people and noises, our stomachs were always full of good food, and
Karter loved having
every ones attention!

Thanksgiving is such a great time to reflect on what we are thankful for, but I thank God daily for the many blessings he has brought into my life. Our little family of 3 (soon to be 4!) is blessed with an amazing, supportive and loving extended family. We are truly thankful for all of our family!

Last weekend,
Karter was especially thankful to have a house full of aunts and uncles to play with all the time...he is definitely missing that attention this week.

He was also thankful that Grandma Terry would read him every book in his cabinet...

...and that Papaw Kim was here to smooch on!

I have a lot to be thankful for in my life, but most of all I am thankful for these two cuties!
God has certainly blessed our Minnesota Grays! Thank you for a wonderful 4 days!!!
Love you!
Thanks for having us up there last week! I really enjoyed it.
We are thankful for you too! Love you guys and we were happy to be able to join the family at your place for Thanksgiving. Love you!
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